Live Happy Therapy

Be Your Best Self

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Live Happy!

Live Happy Therapy was born out of a desire to help others achieve a better life. After nearly two decades working in public health across Greater Vancouver, we know it’s important to provide access to holistic healthcare that addresses mind, body and spirit.

And that’s exactly the type of counselling we practice at Live Happy Therapy — because everyone deserves a safe place where they can be heard. Who doesn’t have an issue that might be bothering them? Who doesn’t have a desire to improve aspects of their life? And who doesn’t hope to set goals and then complete them? We all do.

Sometimes we just need a helping hand or a listening ear — maybe even a cheerleader — to give us the encouragement we need to make a change.

Talk therapy is an entirely confidential, safe, proven and effective way to get in touch with our feelings, bring clarity to ourselves and make the changes we need to make for an improved way of life. We offer flexibile services including both in-person and on-line counselling. Let us help empower you.