Reflections on happiness

“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”- Aristotles

His famous quote shows that even the “Father of Western Philosophy” had been contemplating the definition of happiness since the classical period of Greece, some 2400 years ago.

What defines happiness?

Miriam-Webster defines happiness as a state of wellbeing and contentment and/or a satisfying or pleasant experience.

March 20th has been deemed the International Day of Happiness by the UN General Assembly, which believes happiness is a fundamental human goal.

Why “Live Happy?”

Is happiness a choice that we need to exercise – just like a muscle, if you don't strengthen it, will we lose the ability to become happy?

Can happiness  be cultivated?. Can we create our own “happy?” Can we choose to take actions that will help us feel more content?

Dave Mochel asks us to consider where our focus and attention are being drawn to. What are we practicing right now? Where are we putting our energy and focus? Are we focussing on things that will lead us to happiness and contentment or focussing on the opposite? What can we be grateful for? Just the action of writing five things down, five things we are grateful for on a daily basis, can trigger positive feelings and a sense of contentment!

So keep working on your happiness and you'll find that you CAN Live Happy!

premila markan