Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is upon us and it’s also the beginning of the holiday season which can be stressful!

Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to spend some time looking at the things around us that we can be thankful for.  What is working well in our life? Is it good health? Or that we live in a very picturesque, beautiful environment?

If things are not as we would like maybe the holidays can be the perfect time to create something that we can enjoy – a favourite baked good or a favourite meal? Or to spend time reading a favourite book, listening to some favourite music, taking a nice walk in the park?

Can we find anything around us that we can be appreciative of?

Is it the kind smile of a stranger passing by? Or a kind gesture offered by others? When was the last time someone held a door open for you? Or offered to let you bypass them in a shopping line-up?

The movie “Pay it Forward” speaks volumes to the domino effect that kindness can reap upon ourselves and others. 

It takes a little mindfulness to catch these acts though.

What else might be surrounding us that we can appreciate?

Is it the morning sun rise or a beautiful sunset? Or the beautiful majestic colors of autumn in the leaves? Or the playful nature of pets walking beside us?

What are your favourite aromas? Perhaps it’s freshly brewed coffee or the smell of fresh laundry.

We remember the age old adage “count your blessings” as we head into Thanksgiving weekend and spend time with loved ones, appreciating our friends and family, taking time to appreciate the good in our life and cultivating a positive mind and focus.

Happy Thanksgiving!

premila markan