Resilience in the time of Covid

In this time of great uncertainty and distress for many, what is the best way to support ourselves and our loved ones?

No doubt, there is much anxiety and even depression on the rise given the circumstances at this time.

While the uncertainty of the pandemic creates a lot stress, it also provides opportunities for us to align more closely with what is important in our lives, 

The pandemic gives us a chance to really examine what we value and what we want to work towards.   

So how best to navigate?

Here are some tips for staying healthy, reducing anxiety, and better examining what’s meaningful in life:

  • Physical and mental health are intricately related, so build  a healthy immune system: eat a nutritious diet, get a good sleep and exercise regularly. 

  • Practice Covid-19 safety precautions:  social distancing, handwashing and wearing face masks. 

  • Reach out to your social supports - family, friends and others and continue to maintain these very important connections, even if it’s by telephone or computer.

  • Reach out to professional supports. Being so fortunate to live in this century with technology at our fingertips, one can access many resources via phone or the Internet.  One of these is counselling support via telephone or videoconference. Now, from the comfort of one’s own home you can reach a professional counsellor. It’s amazing how convenient and practical access to mental health services over the phone and online have become.

  • Practice mindfulness to regulate emotional or physical distress.  This can be simple breathing exercises or meditations. Here’s a very popular and practical one called the 4 sec breath box:

In your head, draw a square box as you breathe. 

Breathe in for four counts, then hold for four counts, then breathe out for four, then hold for four counts. 

The slow breathing will help slow your breath and heart rate, calming your body, while drawing the shape of a box will help distract your brain. 

Repeat until you are feeling calmer:

In ( 4 count)

Hold (4 count)

Out (4 count)

Hold (4 count)

Keep well, be safe and Live Happy!

premila markan